Restaurant Booking: Why it is worth to turn away from Bookatable and The Fork

Klaus Preisner
February 28, 2020

Sooner or later Bookatable customers will have to switch to a new system, whether they want to or not. Before you’re forced to make the jump, why not take the decision into your own hands? Leave booking platforms behind and change to a independent reservation system.


Inevitable change - but freedom of choice! 


Restaurant operators using Livebookings will have to switch to Bookatable Premium very soon – an upgrade that’s bad news for a lot of users. Not only will they have to do without some popular features, they’ll have to pay more for the alleged privilege. So if you’re a Bookatable customer, you’re probably asking yourself, should I stay or should I go? Let us walk you through the options.


4 Euros per guest vs 8 cents


Bookatable customers switch to the open reservation system aleno for two reasons. 


Firstly, aleno doesn’t charge high commission fees – you only pay a maximum of 8 cents per guest. Unlike other portals that charge commission fees of up to 4 euro per guest (even if customers book via Google My Business), aleno never gets in the way of your success. You can find out more about pricing here.


Secondly, aleno is lightyears ahead in terms of process optimisation. Using a so-called REST API interface, workflows can be simplified and automated across systems, saving you time and money.


There are loads more reasons why aleno comes out top – check them out using our handy comparison table for Bookatable, The Fork/La Fourchette and the open system aleno here.


Choose what's best for you


Should you choose a platform solution? Or is an open reservation system the better choice for you? To help you decide, try answering the following 5 questions:

  1. Do you want to adapt to changes in the market at short notice? Pay attention to whether there are contract periods. Long term contracts prevent rapid switching to other systems.
  2. Do you use various business applications for your administrative processes (e.g. cash register system, personnel planning tool, merchandise management system, accounting software, turnover forecast tool etc) ? In this case, make sure that your reservation system provides an open interface (REST API) to easily exchange data between systems and link applications.
  3. Do you have or manage several restaurants? If so, you should opt for a reservation system that allows for multiple users and lets you merge guest data across different establishments.
  4. Does your restaurant have a strong brand? In that case, you’ll want a solution that lets you keep your own branding across every platform.
  5. Do you want to optimize the utilization of your restaurant? If optimization is a top priority, choose a reservation system that allows for flexible seating and room plans, as well as the possibility of double seating and flexible shift planning. 

You are interested in a free live demo of aleno, the independent restaurant reservation system? Book now!

Decide for the better

aleno is the most flexible and comprehensive
guest management system.

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