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The Team

aleno - Many great stories
begin in a restaurant,
just like ours.

aleno - Many great stories
begin in a restaurant,
just like ours.


What makes aleno so unique?
Our genesis: the gastronomy.

Our goal is to support outstanding hosts in becoming even more economically successful.

To achieve this, aleno brings together a team of passionate gastronomes and technology experts, making it not only one of the market leaders in the DACH region but also proudly “designed in Switzerland.” aleno represents 10 years of technology development and well over 35 years of gastronomy expertise.

And what's it like at aleno?


I greatly appreciate the open and warm exchange that is maintained both in the office and with remote colleagues.

Daniela Santos
Finance / HR


Formerly, I worked as an F&B Director for a top-notch hotel - today at aleno, I work for hundreds of great hotels and get to apply my knowledge profitably every day.

Andri Zinsli
VP Sales


The exciting part of my job is that thousands of hospitality businesses and over 30 million guests benefit directly from it every year. That fills me with pride.

Aleksandra Pietrzyk


Passion, innovation, and fairness are the cornerstones of aleno and the basis of our actions. Together with our partners, we help the industry make real progress.

Ivica Balenovic
CEO & Founder



The aleno team has grown significantly over the past 2 years, and we are seeking additional support.


Satisfied customers

The number of businesses relying on aleno is growing daily. That delights and motivates us.


Years of hospitality experience

Most of the aleno team have several years of experience in the restaurant and hotel business and know the ropes.

We're looking for

Allrounder in Finance & Accounting 60-100%

Finance - Headquarter Zurich

Key responsibilities Finance Accounts receivable management & accounts payable managementStatistics and evaluationsFinancial accounting and assistance with closingVarious administrative tasksKey skills Finance Commercial degree or equivalent educationGerman mother tongue and fluent in EnglishIT knowledge and IT affinity is a mustExperience and knowledge in accountingGood reasons for your application Fast growing company in SaaS B2B areaModern working conditionsA lot of room for maneuver and creative freedom and great development opportunitiesCollegial and dynamic teamwork with flat hierarchies, characterized by passion, trust and an open corporate cultureWorkplace in Zurich incl. possibility to work remotely Motivated to become part of our vision? Then we look forward to receiving your complete application at Do you have any questions? Daniela is looking forward to your call: 043 508 16 51 About aleno Aleno was founded in 2015 in Zurich by a team who had first hand experienced how cumbersome running your own restaurant can be. As a remote company we employ a diverse team all over the world. Each aleno team member has the freedom to do their best work from wherever they choose, as long as their close to CET timezones. To grow a great company culture we have established these culture principles. Customer ObsessionOur customers are at the core of everything we do. Everyone in aleno gains deep understanding of them and their problems. Our business success is determined by how good we are at solving these. Moving fastSpeed is essential for our success. It’s better to move fast and make mistakes than to move slowly and miss opportunities. We have a strong bias to action and constantly push ourselves to satisfy the customer through early and fast delivery of valuable products. OpennessWe are a remote company. Therefore transparency and communication are key. We foster an environment where you can openly share your thoughts and challenge the status quo if needed. We all work to ensure everyone has access to all the information they need. A positive mindsetWe think big and see opportunities where others see difficulties. Together, we believe we are able to solve the most complex challenges. Acting like ownersWe see a problem? We solve them. "That's someone else's problem" simply doesn't exist for us. Diversity Different people approach problems differently. We need that. aleno is committed to diversity as well as inclusion. We are an equal opportunity employer and committed to the principles of affirmative action. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender perception or identity, national origin, age, marital status, protected veteran status, or disability status or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance or regulation.

Senior Accountant 80-100%

Finance - Headquarter Zurich

Key responsabilities Accounts receivable, accounts payable, general ledger and subledgerTimely submission of advance VAT returns and recapitulative statementsContributing to the preparation of the annual financial statementsSpoke person for auditors and authoritiesIntercompany reconciliations within aleno AG with the German branch office and its accounting partnersDirect spoke person for internal stakeholders and managementKey skills Completed education as a specialist in finance and accounting with a federal certificate a degree in business administration or other relevant qualifications3-5 years of relevant professional experience in accounting Independent and structured way of working, accuracy and awareness of high quality workExperience with XERO a plusAdditional qualifications in the field of human resources a plusGood knowledge of German for independent research in legal textbooksGood knowledge of English for internal communication with our international team membersGood reasons to apply Work from anywhere, partly from aleno AG HQ, with flexible working hoursA high-performance, agile culture with a world-class productAn attractive and motivating remuneration package and development opportunitiesRapid growth and the opportunity to help shape the future of the new era in the hospitality industry State-of-the-art equipment: your standard equipment includes the latest Apple devices; we make sure you are equipped with all the hardware you need to work efficiently Are you motivated to be part of our vision? Then we are looking forward to your application under talents@aleno.meor through the link down below. About aleno Aleno was founded in 2015 in Zurich by a team who had first hand experienced how cumbersome running your own restaurant can be. As a remote company we employ a diverse team all over the world. Each aleno team member has the freedom to do their best work from wherever they choose, as long as their close to CET timezones. To grow a great company culture we have established these culture principles. Customer ObsessionOur customers are at the core of everything we do. Everyone in aleno gains deep understanding of them and their problems. Our business success is determined by how good we are at solving these. Move fastSpeed is essential for our success. It’s better to move fast and make mistakes than to move slowly and miss opportunities. We have a strong bias to action and constantly push ourselves to satisfy the customer through early and fast delivery of valuable products. OpennessWe are a remote company. Therefore transparency and communication are key. We foster an environment where you can openly share your thoughts and challenge the status quo if needed. We all work to ensure everyone has access to all the information they need. A positive mindsetWe think big and see opportunities where others see difficulties. Together, we believe we are able to solve the most complex challenges. Co-ownershipWe see a problem? We solve them. "That's someone else's problem" simply doesn't exist for us.Diversity Different people approach problems differently. We need that. aleno is committed to diversity as well as inclusion. We are an equal opportunity employer and committed to the principles of affirmative action. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender perception or identity, national origin, age, marital status, protected veteran status, or disability status or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance or regulation.

Customer Success Specialist(80-100%)

Growth & Customer Success - Remote or Berlin/Germany

Über diese Rolle Als Customer Success Specialist (d/f/m) bist du für das Onboarding, den Support und die ganzheitliche Beratung von aleno Kunden zuständig. Du berätst Restaurant-Ketten, Hotel-Restaurants, ausgezeichnete Fine-Dinings und andere in der bestmöglichen Nutzung unserer Restaurant-Management-Software. Während du mithilfst, die Digitalisierung in der Hospitality Industrie aufs nächste Level zu bringen, arbeitest du eng mit unserem Sales- und Produktteam zusammen und sammelst wertvolles Feedback zu unserem Produkt. Arbeitsort: es handelt sich um eine hybride Stelle, aufgeteilt zwischen Home Office und vor Ort in Berlin. In dieser Rolle wirst du im Rahmen von Onboardings unsere Neukunden zu aleno-Profis entwickeln, die unsere Software bestmöglich für ihr Restaurant einsetzenauf Kundenanfragen in E-Mails, Telefonaten und Webdemos eingehen und so die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden sicherstellen durch eine kompetente Beratung zu Abläufen und Organisation in ihrem Restaurant / in ihren Restaurantsdie Ziele unserer Neukunden verstehen, um gemeinsam mit ihnen einen Plan zu entwickeln, diese zu erreichenwertvolles Feedback zur Verbesserung unseres Produkts sammeln, um den größtmöglichen Mehrwert für alle unsere Kunden zu schaffenin deiner Beratung aktiv Upsell-Potenziale realisieren und im Austausch mit unseren Integrationspartnern (bsp. POS, PMS, Payment oder andere) die Umsetzung realisierenproaktiv auf Kunden zugehen, um ihre Zufriedenheit sicherzustellen und sie zu echten aleno Promotern zu machenin unserem kleinen Team aktiv mitarbeiten unsere Prozesse (bspw. Erstellung von Vorlagen, Workflows oder Schulungsinhalten) und unser Produkt kontinuierlich zu verbessern Du bringst mit2+ Jahre Erfahrung in einer herausfordernden Stelle mit direktem Kundenkontakt (bspw. Account Management, Customer Support, Customer Success), idealerweise in einem Software-Unternehmen und der Hospitality-IndustrieBerührungspunkte mit der Gastronomie und/oder Hotellerieeine technische Affinitäteine positive Ausstrahlung und hohe Kundenorientierungstarke Kommunikationsfähigkeiten (in Wort und Schrift fliessend, mind. C1) in Englisch und DeutschSelbstständigkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und gute Organisation gehören zu deinen Stärken und du hast ein Faible für Projektmanagementdu fühlst dich in einer dynamischen schnelllebigen Startup-Umgebung wohl, lernst gerne neuesidealerweise hast du bereits mit einigen unserer Tools (z. B. HubSpot, JIRA, Slack) gearbeitet Über aleno aleno wurde 2015 in Zürich von einem Team gegründet, das hautnah erlebt hatte, wie umständlich es sein kann, ein eigenes Restaurant zu führen. Als Remote-Unternehmen beschäftigen wir ein vielfältiges Team auf der ganzen Welt. Jedes aleno-Teammitglied hat die Freiheit, von überall aus seine beste Arbeit zu leisten, solange es einen Großteil der MEZ-Zeitzone unterbringen kann. Um eine großartige Unternehmenskultur aufzubauen, haben wir diese Kulturprinzipien aufgestellt: Customer ObsessionUnsere Kunden stehen im Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns. Jeder bei aleno bekommt ein tiefes Verständnis für sie und ihre Probleme. Unser Geschäftserfolg wird davon bestimmt, wie gut wir diese lösen können. Moving fastSchnelligkeit ist entscheidend für unseren Erfolg. Es ist besser, schnell zu handeln und Fehler zu machen, als langsam zu handeln und Gelegenheiten zu verpassen. Wir sind stark handlungsorientiert und drängen uns ständig, den Kunden durch frühzeitige und schnelle Lieferung wertvoller Produkte zufriedenzustellen. OpennessWir sind ein Remote-Unternehmen. Daher sind Transparenz und Kommunikation der Schlüssel. Wir fördern ein Umfeld, in dem du deine Gedanken offen teilen und bei Bedarf den Status quo hinterfragen kannst. Wir alle arbeiten daran, sicherzustellen, dass jeder Zugriff auf alle Informationen hat, die er benötigt. A positive mindsetWir denken groß und sehen Chancen, wo andere Schwierigkeiten sehen. Gemeinsam glauben wir, dass wir in der Lage sind, die komplexesten Herausforderungen zu lösen. Acting like ownersWir sehen ein Problem? Wir lösen es. „Das ist nicht mein Problem“ gibt es bei uns einfach nicht. Diversität Unterschiedliche Menschen gehen Probleme unterschiedlich an. Das brauchen wir. aleno bekennt sich zu Vielfalt und Inklusion. Wir sind ein Arbeitgeber für Chancengleichheit und verpflichten uns zu den Grundsätzen positiver Maßnahmen. Qualifizierte Bewerber werden unabhängig von Rasse, Hautfarbe, Religion, Geschlecht, sexueller Orientierung, Geschlechtswahrnehmung oder -identität, nationaler Herkunft, Alter, Familienstand, geschütztem Veteranenstatus oder Behinderungsstatus oder einer anderen von Bund oder Ländern geschützten Grundlage für eine Beschäftigung in Betracht gezogen oder lokale Gesetze, Verordnungen oder Vorschriften.