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The digital assistant aleno enables restaurants and hotels to achieve no-show rates of 0 per cent. No loss of sales and better planning.
No-Show Prevention

100% reliable,
0% worries - eliminate No-Shows

100% reliable,
0% worries - eliminate No-Shows

No-Show Prevention

The digital assistant aleno enables restaurants and hotels to achieve no-show rates of 0 per cent. No loss of sales and better planning.

Transform every reservation into an actual guest: With these 3 efficient methods from aleno's digital assistant, no-shows are a thing of the past.

Pre-authorize credit cards

With credit card authorization during the booking, a no-show fee can be charged when necessary. Should a guest fail to show up, the restaurant no longer has to suffer any loss of revenue.

You can automatically exempt guests from the credit card request who are marked in the profile as VIP, regulars or reliable. 

Sync deposit and reservation

Make online bookings reliable by requiring guests to make a specific amount as a deposit during the reservation process. The deposit can later be deducted as a credit on the restaurant bill. 

Instead of reservations:
Sell Guests
Complete Experiences

Allow guests to directly select their desired menu during the reservation. For example: 4 courses - one regular, one vegetarian - both with wine pairing. This way, you can plan the purchasing precisely and prepare everything in the kitchen without stress, while the guests can look forward to their culinary experience days in advance. 

Possible no-show prevention without payment solution

Automatic confirmations and reminders via SMS have a high engagement rate and help prevent no-shows in restaurants. Both reminder and confirmation messages are sent by the reservation system. It's your choice whether the reservations should be provisional or binding. 


Whereas we used to have a no-show rate of up to 20 per cent in the Mural restaurant, with aleno it is now less than 0.5 per cent.

Wolfgang Hingerl
CEO Restaurant Mural, Munich



Why is no-show prevention necessary?

The number of no-shows has increased significantly in recent years. This is a real nuisance for restaurants because they are left with their costs and also lose out on sales. Financially, this can quickly eat into a business's profit margin. Not so with the aleno digital assistant. It enables no-shows to be efficiently avoided and sales losses due to absent guests to be reduced to zero.

Does this also work with my existing acquirer?

Yes, aleno offers integrations to all major payment gateways - from Concardis and Datatrans to Six and STripe to Adyen, Twint, VR Pèayment, Wallee and Worldline. No need to switch providers.

Can I exclude VIPs and regular guests from the credit card enquiry?

Yes, aleno offers the option of labelling individual guests with individual tags such as "regular guest" or "VIP". For these people, the credit card query for no-show fees can be automatically suppressed during the online reservation process.

How do provisional bookings work?

aleno can be configured so that every online reservation is initially provisional and guests are automatically informed of this. Various conditions can be defined to change the status from provisional to definitive. For example, guests must first click on a confirmation link or restaurant staff must confirm the reservation manually. This gives them control over who is allocated tables in the restaurant or for a culinary event.

Are no-show fees automatically charged for no-shows?

Restaurant and hotel operators can configure this themselves. For example, it is possible to cancel a no-show fee if a guest has given a comprehensible reason for their absence or has always turned up for numerous previous reservations. In this case too, aleno adapts to the needs of the restaurant, not the other way round.